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Calling all workshop presenters

Present a workshop to our actively engaged library members

Calling all workshop presenters
Natasha Odgers from Natural Connections Wax Wrap Workshops presenting hands-on Beeswax Wraps

Sunshine Coast Libraries offers an extensive range of contemporary workshops, programs, and events for our actively engaged library members.

From small space gardening to wearable art or bike repairs, Libraries offer customers a hands-on experience in our 90-minute Lifelong Learning workshops.

Aimed at participants aged 16 and older, these workshops provide a great opportunity for library members to have some fun while learning a new skill.

If you would like to share your expertise with the community free of charge, and you meet the below criteria, apply today!

Eligibility criteria

Libraries welcome applications from individuals, community groups, organisations, artists, and educators.

Preference is given to applicants who reside in the Sunshine Coast Council Local Government area.

Proposed programs should be delivered in the format of a workshop or presentation. 

Applicants will:

  • Have appropriate qualifications and/or experience related to the topic/theme
  • Be an effective and engaging public speaker
  • Be available to present at 7-8 library locations across the Sunshine Coast
  • Be flexible to present on different days and times within the programming model, including some weekends
  • Be available to meet with Libraries Programs and Marketing team for an interview to confirm suitability
  • Provide a one-page overview of the proposed workshop, including potential activities
  • Supply supporting documentation (such as qualifications or a professional biography) as required

Not eligible:

  • For-profit groups or businesses
  • Businesses, community groups or individuals seeking to sell items, products or services
  • Businesses, community groups or individuals wanting to impose an entrance or ticket fee for their event
  • Content that is of a political, religious, medical, or ideological nature
  • Recruitment agencies and/or recruitment drives
  • Programs or events that are book sale orientated

Image credit: Connie Page, qualified Herbalist and Kinesiologist hosting Herbal Compresses workshops

How to apply

To ensure your Expression of Interest checks all the boxes:

  • Check that you meet the eligibility criteria listed above
  • Complete and submit the online Expression of Interest

Once your Expression of Interest has been submitted:

  • Applicants will be notified within four weeks of lodging an Expression of Interest if their application is progressing to interview or not.
  • If progressing, a Library Programs and Marketing Officer will call to arrange an in-person interview with you to discuss your workshop proposal, and to determine suitability.
  • Applications intended for an audience under 16 years of age will be forwarded to Libraries Young People’s Services team for consideration.

Copies of qualifications or supporting documentation do not need to be submitted with the Expression of Interest form. However, applicants may be asked to submit these later, as part of the interview and approval process.

If you have any further questions, contact Libraries via email [email protected]  

Image credit: Libby Derham from NatureArtLab presents Watercolour Fungi workshops

How the presenter selection process works

The Library Programs and Marketing team use the following criteria when assessing applications to present at Sunshine Coast Libraries:

  • Support audience interest or relate to contemporary on trend themes and subjects
  • Support library collection and resources
  • Quality of workshop and content for intended audience
  • Quality of presenter and relevant speaking experience
  • Connection to other community programs, exhibitions or events
  • Presenter background/qualifications in content area
  • Target age group
  • Workplace health and safety requirements

Lifelong Learning workshops are adult programs that are suitable for ages 16 and above. Programs for people aged 15 and under will be forwarded to Libraries Young People’s Services team for consideration.    

Local author talks

At present, Sunshine Coast Libraries is unable to offer local author talks.

Libraries encourage authors who have experience in leading writing sessions on a wide range of themes and genres to apply.

Libraries offer local authors the option to have their work made available in the collection. For more information see Author support.

Image credit: Daniel Koch from New Life Integrated Wellness presents Breathe Out workshops in Libraries

Presenting at Sunshine Coast Libraries

All presenters must complete an Expression of Interest form to present at Sunshine Coast Libraries, which states that you have read the information provided below.

  • All applicants must have relevant qualifications or experience to support their proposed presentation.
  • There is no remuneration for presenters, as presenter time is kindly donated for the benefit of the community.
  • All workshops must be informative in nature and must not have the promotion of a product or service as its main purpose.
  • Sunshine Coast Libraries Programs and Marketing team will determine the best timeframe for rollout of workshops within the programming schedule.
  • Events can be scheduled up to six months in advance.
  • Events require a minimum of 90 days lead time to plan and promote.
  • Events must be one-off (no repeat events), unless requested by the Programs and Marketing team.
  • Presenters may supply business cards and/or promotional material to interested attendees at the end of the event.
  • Events will be promoted at the discretion of the Sunshine Coast Libraries through one or more of the following media channels: online booking system, print promotion, social media, radio, Libraries website and Libraries eNews. 
  • Data collection of attendees in not permitted by presenters in any capacity as per Sunshine Coast Council’s privacy policy.
  • Sales are not allowed, with limited exceptions for published books, approved in advance and on a case-by-case basis. Presenters who attempt to hard-sell to customers may have the remainder of their workshops cancelled.
  • If required, events may be cancelled by Sunshine Coast Libraries. Alternatively, the event may be transferred to another mutually agreed date between Libraries and the presenter.
  • If the cancelled event was arranged as part of a special theme or occasion, and the event is no longer deemed relevant for a general session, Sunshine Coast Libraries reserves the right to cancel the event and not reschedule.
  • Sunshine Coast Libraries cannot guarantee attendee numbers. Session booking numbers can be used as a guide only.
  • Sunshine Coast Libraries reserves the right to cancel any workshop/program or event at any time.