Mood foods

Eating your way to wellness | 22 Apr-30 Apr | 6 sessions

Feeling moody? Find out how food choices can affect the way you feel. Improving diet may help to improve mood, raise energy levels and promote focus. Join qualified Nutritionist Janice Johansen from Chrysalis Wellness & Nutrition for a journey into how a few simple diet tweaks could make you feel tip top.  

Dive into how foods high in tryptophan can influence your moods. Learn about the gut brain axis and how stress responses can disrupt the digestive system and affect mood. Discover what type of foods help promote good gut bacteria. Take part in group breath work and gentle body awareness exercises. Take home mood foods tips to reframe your diet and your day.

Free. Registration essential. Ages 16 and over.

LibraryDate and TimeRegistration
CoolumTuesday 22 April, 10–11.30amRegister
BeerwahWednesday 23 April, 10–11.30amRegister
MalenyThursday 24 April, 10–11.30amRegister
MaroochydoreSaturday 26 April, 10–11.30amRegister
KawanaTuesday 29 April, 10–11.30amRegister
NambourWednesday 30 April, 10–11.30amRegister

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